Small Groups: Beyond the Regular Meeting

Small groups are a great way for your student to grow and own their faith.  Students get to discuss the Bible and then students get to go beyond the group time and do something special.  This weekend we had 2 special meetings.

Both of our guys groups had the opportunity to do a work project at the church.  You probably saw a pile of concrete that was sitting by the driveway of the church, well, now that pile is gone.  We had a good group of students come and work.  They even got to enjoy some Sonic afterwards!Image

This was a great opportunity for them to hang out together and do something positive.

Our second opportunity was when our high school groups went to go play some laser tag together at Track 21.  This provided our students with an opportunity to spend time with friends and then shoot them in the back with lasers!  A great time was had by everyone.  Here’s a pic of the group that went.


If your student isn’t engaging in small groups, check them out this weekend.  We meet every Sunday from 6:30-8:00 PM.

Why I love small groups

I love small groups for youth.  It gives students an opportunity to have fun, talk about their faith, and even learn a little.  Small groups are the best way that I know of to give students a chance to formulate what they believe and then express it in words.  Sometimes it’s messy.  Sometimes the lesson isn’t really taught.  Sometimes it’s crazy.  But it matters, and it can change students forever.  If you have a kid who is missing out on youth small groups get them involved.  We meet at various houses from 6:30-8 pm each Sunday night.

To illustrate the way small groups can go a little haywire, here’s a little story.  I have the opportunity to sit in with the middle school boys and for the last two weeks we have barely covered the lesson.  Last week we found ourselves discussing how to look for a wife.  This week, when we “should” have been discussing the importance of Scripture memory, we found ourselves caught up in obedience to parents.  Then one of the boys who asked to be called Kwon Phillipe said this gem:Image

Small groups are different, and they are awesome.